Newsletter October 2022 Decouple China PAC
Banning CCP from buying U.S. farmland and other land is primarily a state issue. There are signs of states proposing initiatives in their next legislation sessions early 2023. Special state legislative sessions should be convened to fast-track anti-CCP comprehensive legislation NOW!
Coming soon: List of GOP candidates nationwide who have signed the Deecouple China Pledge!
The Boardman Report is available now at and is an aggregation of articles and videos by China threat, region and date. The Boardman Report is free and updated daily!
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The West Responds to the Chinese Communist Party
October has seen an exponential increase is activity and policies emanating from the CCP. First, Xi Jinping has consolidated his control over the CCP. The West's worst fears have come true with his ascendancy to near Mao status and installation of Xi's new gang of six, his loyal lieutenants. Plan for China's problems to become our problems!
Second, we can confirm that the CCP and Russia are partners. However convenient it is for either of them, the dragon may swallow up the bear after this war has ended or even some of Russia as Putin weakens. Putin's 5,000 nukes to China's 350 nukes may check that even in a worst-day scenario. From the massive coal and oil purchases China inked days before the Ukraine invasion to more recent overt reselling of Russian oil by China, we can count on a China and Russia marriage of convenience. This is an axis of evil against freedom for their new world order until it is inconvenient for eithers control agenda. North Korea, Iran and Pakistan among a few others are in this axis of evil.
How is the West responding? 1) USA-South Pacific Island deals, 2) More arms to Taiwan from U.S. as China can invade anytime, 3) Defense partnerships among the allies - Japan, Australia, Canada, Philippines, U.K. and highly likely India and Germany, 4) Only recently has The White House gone after the growing trade between China and U.S. as China nears a global $1 trillion dollar total trade value. Banning semiconductor tools used by China and made in USA is a knock in the knees to China. Expect retaliation from China. It remains to be seen if this will finally thwart the growth of trade between USA and China which continues to be on a growth path potentially increasing 10% in 2022 over 2021. 5) Xi's power consolidation has sent China stocks plummeting but, will Wall Street be tempted to bargain hunt or stay away. Some advisors say China is now uninvestable. Others like JPMorgan say buy.
Let's hope Wall Street gets it and we quit China 100% now in all ways as China is for power period and eradicating freedom on earth.
The tally is approximate 140 countries linked by the China Belt and Road and the rest of the rest of the worlds 55 countries side with the West. More accurately, it is likely split down the middle with loyal countries on each side, semi-loyal and another category of up for grabs. More information on this divide coming soon.
Clearly Russia's Nukes Keep the West and CCP in Check!
USA Must GO Faster - We Have No Time!
The more you know about the Chinese Communist Party
The more you support 100% decoupling NOW!
While most members of Congress say it is impossible to completely decouple from China, freedoms very survival depends on it. Decouple China PAC believes this weak pro-China position by our leaders is unamerican and a
throw in the towel to communism stance.
Americans stand ready to enter this battle with their American Ingenuity and Make in USA capability. The CCP does trade and corners markets from an authoritarian regime state sponsored position for power and control to foster and lead their new world order.
USA must cut all trade with China now, creating markets and at the same time incentivizing USA and West investors to build a new and better secure supply-chain.
An accounting of where members of Congress and States stand in countering the CCP is coming soon along with pending legislation.
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